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podcast audit

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Podcast with Our Expert Audit Service.

Ready to enhance your podcast's performance and reach?

Our comprehensive podcast audit service uncovers hidden opportunities, optimizes content, and enhances listener experience. Elevate your podcast's impact today with an audit.

Book now to take your podcast to new heights!

1 hour session

Deliverable: recommended strategies document

our podcast launch service

Ready to start your podcast but not sure where to begin?


Michaella Mutoni-Dorvlo

Strategist & Storyteller

Are you curious about the potential of podcasting to fuel business growth? Perhaps you've dreamt of sharing your ideas and making a meaningful impact on others.

I started on this podcasting journey with my own podcast, Jase avec Moi. At the time, I was feeling isolated at work and I decided to interview other young African professionals to learn more about their experiences. This led me onto this beautiful journey that I am now on.

I realized that conducting interviews wasn’t enough. I wanted to help other cross-cultural individuals amplify their voices because there is so much that we have to share with the world.

I don’t do it alone, I work with a professional sound editor and an assistant. I understand what it is like having an idea, and seeing the potential impact that it could have in the world.

Let us help you make your vision a reality!